Get the astronomer-bootstrap Connection string from Secret
kubectl get secret astronomer-bootstrap -o jsonpath='{.data.connection}' | base64 -d
Spin Up a new postgres pod.
kubectl apply -f
apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: postgres-client labels: app: postgres-client spec: containers: - image: postgres:latest command: - sleep - "3600" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent name: postgres-client restartPolicy: Always
Login to Pod:
kubectl exec -it postgres-client -- sh -n astronomer
Add postgresql client:
apt update && apt install postgresql-client
connect to astronomer_houston
psql <step1 output from above commands>
psql postgres://airflow:pjqBDMwzcU3ED2T270qjmJlEMeqqeFzz@astrodb-1bfdde7e1c617119.cluster-cnuxtliiayqh.u
Instead of the above commands.You can use this command as well for checking Houston DB connectivity: This can spin up a new pod & use secret information to connect directly
kubectl run psql --rm -it --restart=Never --namespace astronomer --image bitnami/postgresql --command -- psql $(kubectl get secret -n astronomer astronomer-houston-backend --template='{{.data.connection | base64decode }}' | sed 's/?.*//g')
Show Databases
\l (to list databases)
\c <releasename>_houston
astronomer_houston=> \dt;
set search_path="houston$default"; (Set search path )
Remove the Postgres-client pod
kubectl delete -f newpod.yaml -n astronomer
kubectl delete pod psql -n astronomer
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